

Find a bearing

(Dimensions in mm)
Bore diameter Exactly
≤ d ≤ d =
Outer diameter Exactly
≤ D ≤ D =
Width Exactly
≤ B ≤ B =

We are a mechanical engineering company focused on the development and manufacture of:

  • single-row ball and cylindrical roller bearings and their components for engineering and railway industry, and machining equipment/ specific tools at Kysucké Nové Mesto plant,
  • special double-row ball and cylindrical roller bearings for automotive, textile and aerospace industry at Bytča plant,
  • general engineering production, production of tools and components for aerospace and armament industry, and production and assembly of steel structures at the MACHINERY workplace.

The main interest of KINEX BEARINGS, a.s. is to satisfy the customer needs while reducing negative impacts of the environment and energy consumption within the manufacture processes. The company creates safe and healthy working conditions for its employees.

To realize this interest, the management of KINEX BEARINGS, a.s. commits to:

  • protect the environment by prevention, reduction or direction of the production of waste emissions, pollutants in water and soil, the amount of used poisonous chemicals during manufacture
  • ensure safe and healthy working conditions concerning prevention of work injuries and damages to health of employees on all workplaces during all activities
  • fulfill commitments arising from legislation as well as commitments arising from voluntary agreements adopted within KINEX BEARINGS, a.s. in the area of environmental protection, usage of energy and the area of securing a safe and healthy workplace
  • constantly reduce the sources of health-damaging workplace factors when implementing new technologies and modernizing, and to design products and production-technological processes in respect to minimalize their adverse effect on the environment and the rise of environmental-energetic aspects during manufacture, distribution, usage, disposal and recycling of products and semi-finished products
  • cooperate with external suppliers and contract partners, to support the purchase of energy efficient products and services and to participate on systemic management of environmental protection, energy management and to request the adherence of legal regulations and standards that safeguard conditions for safe work
  • secure, increase and permanently improving the management level of work health and safety system with the objective of removing dangers and reduce hazards to health by technological processes, technical devices, human factor and workplace conditions
  • create workplace conditions and eliminate all negative hazards causing harm to health or property, based on analysis of discovered dangers, threats and hazards
  • develop awareness of employees and motivate them to strengthen responsibility for environmental behavior and energy management
  • keep an open dialogue with the public, government and local authorities, interest groups for environmental safety, energy management and work health and safety areas
  • cooperate with employees and their representatives, to offer suitable and corresponding financial, personal and time-wise sources to realize the policy actions
  • annually accept goals for the corresponding year based on these policies
  • maintain and constantly improve the established managementbased on the international standardsISO 14 001, ISO 50 001 and ISO 45 001 so that its permanent suitability, adequacy and effectivity is secured

The company Top Management fully supports the declared Environmental and Energy Policy and OHS Policy that are appropriate for the purpose and context of the company, including the nature, range, environmental and energetic impacts, dangers and hazards, which arise from its activities, products and services provided. Fulfilling it, we undertake to follow the Environmental and Energy Policy and OHS Policy and require its following from all the company employees, external suppliers and all relevant interested parties.